Troubleshooting SoundCard

Sound Card is a hardware found on the mainboard. Function of the Sound Card is to forward the signal and then the sound was issued by the speakers so the sound came out. Prior to use Sound Card must be on the installation to be used in accordance with the Driver luggage. Examples Soun card that can be known to us, among others: ITE, etc.. In the event of trouble on the sound card needs to held an improvement to the computer working again as normal. 

Identity if the sound card errors are as follows:
1. No discharge of sound through the speakers even though the speakers are still good and not
damaged and the cables are connected to the sound card.
2. Drivers not detected by the control panel menus
3. Appears mark (?) On the control panel menu
4. Error message appears when using a program like Winamp or associated with the sound arrives and the application does not run
To overcome this we can do the following manner:
1. Turn off the computer and disconnect the Sound Card
2. Clean the slot / ISA bus sound card which is installed by using a brush or vacuum cleaner
3. Try to plug the sound card again and turn on the computer, if after re-installed sound card still can not use the possibility of error so that the sound card needs to be replaced with another.
4. If the form of an onboard sound card to the mainboard we can replace the sound card in the slot available
5. Install the driver correctly luggage
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Troubleshooting CD-ROM

CD-Rom is the place to read input from the incoming data as a CD. This type of CD-Rom vary include: CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW. In reading data CD-R has different capabilities from 8x to 52x. The more level the faster the speed of the same in reading. Types of data cables used for CD-Rom that is diverse, there are three types were: SATA, ATA, and IDE. In trouble shooting a CD-Rom easily diagnosed because they have the cirri as follows:

1. Unable to read input when the CD is inserted
2. Error message appears when the computer is turned on initial boot
3. Read entries with a very long pross
4. Beep uncertain

To overcome the above we can perform the following manner:
- Turn off the computer and check the data cable and the jumper plug on the position of Master
- Turn the computer back and if kesalahn still appears try to replace with another data cable
- If the error still appears alagi try to come up with another CD-Rom that can still be used
- If the CD-Rom sounds uncertain possibility of error in the head so it needs to be replaced with another
- If the error still appears more likely the socket on the mainboard has an error so it can be replaced with another
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Troubleshooting CARD LAN (network cards)

LAN CARD is the link between computer systems with the performance of another computer or it can be said LAN CARD is a signal to share between computers with one computer to another. LAN CARD working principle is to receive a signal from another computer then transmits into the input and then processed into a data sharing vice versa. LAN CARD can be used to connect one computer system to another computer through an intermediary hub so that the area form a computer network. 

LAN CARD can also have problems or trouble because there are some problems, the characteristics of LAN CARD experiencing trouble include the following:
   1. CARD indicator lights on the LAN does not light up when the connector is installed, this problem often occurs due to the Lan card is an error so it needs to be replaced with another.
   2. Unable to install drivers. This problem can be overcome if we already know what drivers are in accordance with master driver of Lan Card. Lan Card Driver installation must comply with drivers  master because if it does not fit the Lan Card will not be detected by the system and Lan PC Card can not be used
   3. LAN Card not detected from the control panel menu. This case can be resolved after we installed the drivers from the Lan Card. Without install the Lan Card driver will never be detected by the computer system work. 

To resolve not to the occurrence of error or interference with the work system network card then should done a treatment device. This is so that the device returns to normal running as usual at times. To clean device we can use a brush and Vacuum cleaner.
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