difference between Intel Core i5 i7

When buying a high end laptop, you may have experienced difficulty in choosing between a laptop with Intel Core i5 or Intel Intel Core i7, considering the price range between the two laptops are quite significant. 

Well let me you're not confused, here is the difference between Intel Intel Core processors and Intel Core i7 i5
First, as we know Intel Core i5 is a version of 'saving' of Intel Core i7. The real difference from the Intel Core and Intel Core i7 i5 is the chipset and socket. Intel Core i5 using the LGA1156 socket with a P55 chipset (and even the H55, H57 or Q57), while the Intel Core i7 socket LGA1366 and generally use the X58 chipset, this certainly influenced the performance differences of these two types of processors. Intel Core i5 available at a cheaper price but the performance is far below Intel's Core i7. 

A second difference is the Turbo Mode feature, which Intel Core i7 processors have been equipped with Turbo Mode feature that lets Intel Core i7 overclock itself. For example the original speed is 3.2Ghz Intel Core i7, when you play games that require the extra performance, the Intel Core i7 processor will automatically mengoverclok speed to the level of 3.46Ghz. 

Third, Intel Core i7 processors generally use DDR3 Triple Channel memory (although some are using dual channel), in contrast with Intel Core i5 using dual channel memory, this will certainly affect the performance of your laptop. 

The real difference is the fourth of the features of Hyper Threading, Intel's Core i7 has a quad core even in Windows reads as eight cores, so the ability to perform multi-threading operation was undoubtedly, in contrast with Intel Core i5 that there are not even equipped with this feature. 

In conclusion, if you want a high end processor performance, capable of operating multi-threading then choose the Intel Core i7, but certainly more expensive than the Intel Core i5. 

What about the Intel Core I3? Processors of this type is a class of low-end processors compared to Intel Core and Intel Core i7 i5. Basically Intel Core I3 is almost similar to the Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core processors only I3 has been equipped with the capabilities of the Intel i7 processors or i5 Series except for the Turbo Boost feature.
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Step Debian Linux installation

Preparation Installing Linux (Debian)
Turn on the computer, then press [delete] to enter the bios,
Once inside the bios, select the menu
press [ENTER]
After that, choose the Boot Sequence menu in order to CDROM, C, A
press [ENTER]
press y [ENTER]
Then the computer will start booting again with the boot sequence to CDROM first.
Insert the CD into the CDROM existing debian.
Boot from CD
After inserting the CD into the CDROM then just wait for the CD boot.
After the computer booted to the CD, will appear as follows:
Welcome to Deal
This is debian ...........................................
.................................................. ........
boot: _ [ENTER]
Initial Installation Options
After that the computer will be loading ...
Wait until it says the following:
'Choose The Language "
Select a language (preferably English - en). [ENTER]
'Choose Language Variant "
Select 'Classic (United States)' [ENTER].
'Relase Notes'
Select [ENTER].
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted part
on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Configure the Keyboard
press [ENTER].
'Select a Keyboard'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted part
qwerty / us: U.S. Classic (QWERTY)
Determining Partition Hardisk
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted part
on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Initialize and Activate a Swap Partition
Previous: Partition a Hard Disk
'Select Disk Drive'
/ Dev / hda
'Lilo Limitations'
'Note on additional space for the ReiserFS Journal'
Display will show the existing partitions on your hard disk hda, with this information you will know where the swap partition and the location of the partition where you would put a '/' (root).
select [Quit]
by moving / pressing the arrow to the right. [ENTER]
Initialize the Swap Partition
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted section on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Initialize and Activate a Swap Partition
'Scan for Bad Blocks? '
select [ENTER]
'Are You Sure? '
select [ENTER]
Selecting the type of File System on Linux Partitions
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted part
on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Initialize a Linux Partition
'Choose Filesystem Type'
There are 3 options on the box, select,
Ext3: Next Generation of Ext2, a journaling filesystem
'Select Partition'
Select the partition that will be used as "Ext3"
There are 3 options on the box, select,
/ Dev/hda2: Linux native
'Scan for Bad Blocks? '
select [ENTER]
'Are You Sure? '
Consider carefully whether you choose / dev/hda2 as "Ext3" if it is correct
select [ENTER]
'Mount as the Root Filesystem? '
select [ENTER]
Installing the Kernel and modules
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted section on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Install the kernel and Driver Modules
'Select Installation Medium'
cdrom: CD-ROM drive
'Please insert the CD-ROM'
select [ENTER]
'Please Wait'
'Select Archive path'
Select the directory where to install the kernel.
/ Instmnt/dists/woody/main/disks-i386/current
'Please Wait'
Choosing a Driver
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted part
on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Configure Device Driver Modules
'Note about loaded drivers'
select, [ENTER]
'Select Category'
Would appear that the options module will be selected,
1. Select 'kernel / drivers / input Input Devices. '[ENTER]
'Select kernel / drivers / input modules'
'Kebdev - Keyboard support' [ENTER]
select, [ENTER]
'Enter Command-Line Argumens'
No need to fill anything.
'Mousedev - Mouse support' [ENTER]
select, [ENTER]
'Enter Command-Line Argumens'
No need to fill anything.
Select 'Exit Finish Return to previous menu. '[ENTER]
2. Select 'kernel / drivers / net Drivers for network interface cards' [ENTER]
'Select kernel / drivers / net modules'
look for 'eepro100' [ENTER]
select, [ENTER]
or if the failure can try bonding
'Enter Command-Line Argumens'
No need to fill anything. [ENTER]
Select 'Exit Finish Return to previous menu. '[ENTER]
3. Select 'kernel / fs / msdos
MS-DOS file system '[ENTER]
'Select kernel / fs / msdos modules'
select, 'msdos - PC BIOS' [ENTER]
select, [ENTER]
'Enter Command-Line Argumens'
No need to fill anything.
Select 'Exit Finish Return to previous menu. '[ENTER]
4. Select 'kernel/arch/1386/kernel i386-base drivers. '[ENTER]
select, 'apm' [ENTER]
select, [ENTER]
'Enter Command-Line Argumens'
No need to fill anything.
select, 'CPUID' [ENTER]
select, [ENTER]
'Enter Command-Line Argumens'
No need to fill anything.
Select 'Exit Finish Return to previous menu. '[ENTER]
Select 'Exit' [ENTER]
Configure Network
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted part
on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Configure the network
'Choose The Hostname'
Replace the word 'Debian' with 'LAB-OS-27-***'
*** Replaced with a computer number.
'Automatic Network Configuration'
select, [ENTER]
'Choose the IP Address'
Change the default with '152.118.27 .***'
*** Replaced with a computer number.
'Choose Network Mask'
No need to be replaced.
'What is your IP Gateway address? '
'Choose Domain Name'
Write 'cs.ui.ac.id'
'Choose the DNS Server Addresses'
Replace with ''
Installing Base System
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the part in
highlights on the top choice with the words,
Next: Install the base system
'Select Installation Medium'
'Cdrom: CD-ROM drive'
'Please insert the CD-ROM'
select, [ENTER]
'Select Archive path'
Select a directory to install the base system.
/ Instmnt
"Installing Base System, please wait '
Wait until finished installing.
Creating a Bootable System Being
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted part
on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Make System Bootable
'When Should the LILO boot loader be installed? '
/ Dev / hda: Install LILO in the MBR (use this if unsure).
'Other bootable partitions'
Include Put all into the menu.
'Securing LILO'
Creating a Boot Floppy
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted part
on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Make a Boot Floppy
Insert the diskette (in good condition) into the floppy disk
'Change Disk'
Wait while making a boot floppy
Computer rebooting
'Debian GNU / Linux Installation Main Menu'
There will be various options in the box with the highlighted part
on the choice of the top with the words,
Next: Rebooting the System
"Rebooting the System? '
Then remove the floppy from the floppy disk, while the computer is rebooted.
Remove it from the cdrom cd deal.
Wait until the lilo boot as below,
WIN / Dos
Choose Linux [ENTER]
Debian System Configuration
Then it will go into the display as below:
'Debian System Configuration'
'TimeZone Configuration'
Is the hardware clock set to GMT
What areas do you life in?
Asia [ENTER]
Select a city or time zone:
Jakarta [ENTER]
'Password setup'
Shall I enable md5 passwords?
Shall I enable shadow passwords?
Enter a password for the root:
Fill it with 12 345
Re-enter password to verify:
Fill again with 12 345
Shall I create a normal user account now?
'Debian System Configuration'
Shall I remove the pcmcia packages?
Do you want to user a PPP connection to install the system.
"Apt Configuration"
Choose the method apt Should a user to access to the Debian archive:
cdrom [ENTER]
Insert the cd into the cdrom deal.
Enter the CD ROM device file:
/ Dev / cdrom [ENTER]
Scan another CD?
select [ENTER]
Add another apt source?
select [ENTER]
Use security updates from security.debian.org?
select [ENTER]
Run tasksel?
select [ENTER]
Run dselect?
select [ENTER]
Run dselect?
select, [ENTER]
Wait while the package was to configure what will be taken,
until there is written as below:
Do you want to continue? [Y / n]
Typing y [ENTER]
Do you want to erase any previous downloaded.deb files? [Y / n]
Please enter to continue
I can do .....
[--- Please return ---]
You must choose one of the options below:
Enter value (default = '1 ',' x 'to restart):
'Debian System Configuration'
Have fun!
Thank you for choosing Debian.
Later will come the message as below:
LAB-OS-27-**** login:
(**** According to the computer where you install)
Try entering the root login and password.
After that we will try to install the package.
How to install it are as follows:
type this command in the console:
apt-get install "package name" [ENTER]
As an example we will try to install lynx.
So that must be typed as follows:
apt-get install lynx [ENTER]
Do you want to continue? [Y / n]
typing y [ENTER]
When finished installing lynx try typing this command in the console:
lynx kambing.vlsm.org [ENTER]
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Debian linux history

Debian was first introduced by Ian Murdoch, a student from Purdue University, USA, on August 16, 1993, the Debian name derived from a combination of ex-girlfriend Debra's name and his name is Ian.

At first, Ian began by modifying the distribution of SLS (Softlanding Linux System). However, he was not satisfied with the SLS has been modified by him so that he believes that it is better to build the system (Linux distribution) of zero (In this case, Patrick Volkerding also tried to modify the SLS. He succeeds and its distribution is known as the "Slackware").

Debian Project grew slowly at first and released a version 0.9x in 1994 and 1995. The transfer into the architectures other than i386 starts By 1995. Version 1.x began in 1996.

In 1996, Bruce Perens replaced Ian Murdoch as a Project Leader. In the same year the debian developer Ean Schuessler, took the initiative to form the Debian Social Contract and Debian Free Software Guidelines, provide the basic standard of commitment to the development of the debian distribution. He also formed the organization "Software in the Public Interest" to overshadow the debian legally and law.

In late 2000, a project to make changes in the debian archive and release management. And in the same year the developers start the annual conference and workshop "debconf".

On April 8, 2007, Debian GNU / Linux 4.0 released, codenamed "Etch". Releases latest version of Debian, 2009, code-named "Lenny". Deb is the extension of the Debian software package format and the name most often used for binary packages that way. Such "Deb" part of the term Debian, it comes from the name of Debra, then girlfriend and now ex-wife of the founder of Debian's Ian Murdock.

Debian package is also used in distributions based on Debian, like Ubuntu and others. Debian packages are standard Unix in archives that include two gzipped, tar archive bzipped or lzmaed: one that holds the control information and the other containing the data. Canonical program for handling these packages is dpkg, most often through apt / aptitude. deb packages can be converted into other packages and otherwise use the alien.

Some core Debian packages are available as udebs ("micro debs"), and usually only used to bootstrap the installation of Debian Linux. Although the file using the filename extension udeb, they adhere to the same specifications as usual structure deb. However, unlike their deb counterparts, only the packages udeb functionally important files. In particular, documentation files are usually omitted. udeb package can not be installed on a standard Debian system.
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The introduction Packet Tracer

Packet tracer is a software that be able used to simulate the network. This software is developed by AMFITIL by a company that is intense within the Cisco network the problem. To obtain this software is very easy, because of we can get for free of the internet. When this tutorial was made ​​final version is packet tracer 5.1. Packet tracer also has two versions of of portable (no need installing ± 32 MB) and the full version (± 95 MB plus tutorials Before you continue this tutorial it helps me to convey some of the requirement for be able follow this tutorial is
as follows:
1. At a minimum a PC, to be able use the Windows operating system
or Linux (Packet tracer is also a Linux version).
2. Packet tracer software already installed on your computer
3. Have little knowledge about the network, at least about an IP address when coupled with subnetting is also better.
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Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition 980X

Since the launch of the first Core i7 processors in November 2008 ago, one might say that Intel is still occupying the top to the classroom of desktop processors.

The owners of the processor codenamed Bloomfield can be proud of to this day who sits on the processor's Socket 1366 processors are still entered the ranks quickly. The launch of the 2009 Lynnfield yesterday also not yet been able to get rid of domination Bloomfield of desktop processors to upscale.

Over the years, Intel again made ​​a new breakthrough with a new architecture known as Westmere. It begins by introducing six-core processors or also called hexa-core processors.

Indeed, before Intel had launched several new processors for socket 1366. Only the extent such minor increase in clock speed and is still is based Nehalem (codenamed processors - Bloomfield)

Intel Core i7 EE 980X is the first Intel-based processors are supported by six core Hyper-Threading. Therefore, the processor is able to handle 12 threads simultaneously. Three-channel memory support as well as the Turbo Boost feature is still loyal to accompany this CPU. Core i7 980X is built on 32 nm production process, just as the ranks of the Clarkdale processor that was launched some time ago.

Although both built on 32 nm production process, Gulftown different from the Clarkdale (which also use the same 32 nm manufacturing process). This is because the die was purely used for processor cores. In theory, with decreasing production process, the transistors contained therein may be reproduced on the same die size.
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Technology core i5

Technology core i5 using code names Lynfield as Intel Core i7 is already on the market. But there are some technologies, such as technology Tri-channel memory is eliminated, QuickPath interconnect scaled down to make room on the Direct Media Interface. Surely Intel Core i5 already using fabrication of 45 nm, the same as Intel Core i7.

This processor has some speed, such as 2.66 GHz, 2.80 GHz and 2.93 GHz with 8 MB of L3 Cache, Hyper Threading feature, and features TurboBoost Technology. TDP is required by this processor is 95 W. Specifically for Intel Core i5 uses a different socket from Intel Core i7, LGA1156 ie. Of course, this could be a "boomerang" for the Intel socket LGA 1366 which was recently launched, he was using the most recent socket again. At the very least will make the consumers to think twice about doing the upgrade using RIG Intel. 

Intel Core i5 also has a code name of another, namely Clarkdale. This processor only has 2 cores in it. Speed ​​3.2 GHz owned them until 3:46 GHz, with support for hyperthreading and TurboBoost. Clarkdale has 4 megabytes of L3 cache, and TDP required is 73 W.

Some manufacturers flocked to remove mainboard support this processor. Of course with the latest chipset from Intel, the Intel P55 in it. Large producers are like ASUS and Gigabyte are always competing not want to miss. Asus ASUS P7P55D with its products, and Gigabyte GA-P55-with UD5 and GA-P55-UD4P. 

The most visible technological development of air-P55 chipset motherboards, among other things is to have 24 power phase, support for SATA-III/SATA 6 Gbit / s with the chipset used is from Marvel, and a combo d idesain SATA-II/III. This motherboard supports 4 ports SATA-III, and 6 SATA-II ports with RAID 0 and 1. 

Indeed be unfortunate is Intel issued a processor using a new socket type, socket 1156. While the socket 1366 can not be properly absorbed by the market. To upgrade problems RIG, good compatibility and price, I must say AMD is still the most "friendly".
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Processor Technology Intel Core I3

Intel always has the latest innovation in developing a processor that is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Having recently launched two flagship products are the Intel Core i7 and i5, now do not need a long time Intel has released another new product that is the Intel Core I3 on ​​January 7, 2010 ago. Of course, this processor is expected to achieve great success like some of his predecessors, namely i7 and i5. However, what are the advantages of this new processor?
From various sources of information I can, there are two types of I3, which was launched by Intel, that is for desktop processors and mobile processors (notebook). Sometimes, many people misunderstand the meaning of the frills core I3, which means it has 3 core cores (depending on the values ​​behind the letter i). It's all a big mistake. Core i is simply a naming only given to the manufacturer processor that was launched recently. Until now only the core of most new core for up to 4 cores for a single processor core. Only the Performance improved frequency and speed of its memory cache has reached the L3 cache.
Intel Core I3 for the type of desktop use microachitecture codenamed Clarkdale, which has an L3 cache is 4 Mb, with a Thermal Design Power (TDP) of 74 watts. I3 has a two processor cores. Socket LGA socket used was 1156, the same used for Intel i5. Additional technology that is "injected" on an Intel i3 is already contained within the processor or in other words, already integrated with the GPU (Graphical Processing Unit). So the computer will still be able to light and produce images without the VGA card. And maybe even get to play 3D games without the need for "hard work" of the GPU VGA card. 

For this type of Intel Core I3 is used on notebook, he used the codename Arrandale microarchitecture. I3 has a mobile version of 3 Mb L3 cache and TDP are much smaller, at only 35 watts. And of course we still have the same processor core, two cores with the integration GPUnya. Socket used μPGA-989. Intel Core I3 mobile version of this specification is the same as the Intel Core i5-4xx, but for i3 running at lower clock without the Turbo Boost technology that is owned by Intel Core i5. 

Based on the information I can, Intel Core 2 are currently on the market, using microarchitecture Yorkfield, Wolfdale and Penryn, will likely be Intel's rebranding by the manufacturer of the Intel Core I3. However, this certainly can not dikonformasikan with certainty, because only still a lot of rumors are circulating on the Internet.
The more processors that are present in the market, of course, with better capabilities and prices can be kept to a minimum. Nowadays a lot of choices, not from the manufacturer Intel, but AMD also compete in the market this processor. Now we can find a processor that has a dual-core technology with a price range of 500 thousand just in the rather large velocity. Thus, although we have only a thin and limited budget, we can still buy and assemble a PC device. I think it's certainly very good, so more and more people of Indonesia are "literate" technology.
Now, which one do you think the processor could be the right choice for the realization of a desktop PC pride? All depends on financial ability and how much you use the PC, if only to do the coursework, office work while browsing the Internet, or you're a gamer who is loaded with 3D graphics technology is increasingly sophisticated, or maybe even your profession as a graphic designer who require devices are super-sophisticated image processing? All the decision is yours.
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Computer Systems Software Engineers

Computer systems software engineers are involved in coordinating the construction of the computer systems of an organization, maintaining them and planning their future growth. They work with a particular company and coordinate the needs and demands of the computer needs of every department by ordering, inventory, billing, and payroll recordkeeping. Suggestions are also made about a computer systems’ technical direction. A company’s intranet (the network which links computers inside a organization and ease communication among the various departments) is also constructed by these engineers.

Systems software engineers work for companies that need configuration, implementation, and installation of complete computer systems. These engineers may also be part of the marketing or sales staff, and serve as the chief technical resource for these sales officers, staff, as well as customers. They may even engage in product sales and provide continued technical support to the buyers and consumers.

Computer software engineers are usually a part of the team that designs and develops advanced hardware, software, and systems. Thus, until a finished product is developed and released, workers from various branches including those of engineering, marketing, production and design collaborate with each other, of which computer engineers are a basic part.

In 2002, computer software engineers had around 675,000 jobs. Around 394,000 were computer applications software engineers while about 281,000 were computer systems software engineers. Though these engineers are employed in every industry, the largest concentration of computer software engineers (about 30 percent) is in computer systems design and related services. A large number of computer software engineers are also hired by other industries that include government agencies, producers of computers and related electronic equipment, as well as colleges and universities.

The employers of computer software engineers cover startup companies to established industry leaders and thus include a large number of clientele. As the use of the Internet, e-mail, and other communications systems increases, firms from electronics to engineering which were traditionally associated as unrelated disciplines will expand, hiring more and more such engineers. Engineering firms specializing in building bridges and power plants, for example, also hire computer software engineers for designing and developing advanced geographic data systems and automated drafting systems. Communications industries also require computer software engineers, with whose help the personal communications market could be tapped into. The major communications companies have many job opportunities for both computer software applications and computer systems engineers.

A growing number of computer software engineers are also employed on a temporary or contract basis (with many being self-employed) who work on their own as consultants. Some of these consultants work for firms that specialize in the development and maintenance of the client companies’ Web sites and intranets. Consulting opportunities for software engineers are expected to increase because businesses need help to manage, upgrade, and customize increasingly complex computer systems. In 2002, around 21,000 computer software engineers were self-employed.
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