Internet networking system was created in the 60s and 70s range, which commenced a lot of research on packet-switching, collision-detection on the local do networking, hierarchical network and other communication techniques. Better developed the networking, but this ended in more and more differences and create a networking system should get up on its own can not be connected between different tissue types. So to combine the networks of different groups cannot happen. Happens a huge difference through the interface, applications and protocols.
The specific situation began at the precise dissimilarities in the 70's by a group of American researchers from the Defence Advanced Scientific Study Agency (DARPA). They studied the inter-networking, except that there are other organizations who also joined as ITU-T (by name CCITT) and ISO. The purpose of this study was to make a protocol, so that different applications can run even on different systems.
Group official who examined the research networking system called the ARPANET group, which has conducted meetings in October 1971. Then melanjukan DARPA research on host-to-host protocol using TCP / IP, circa 1978. Implementation of the Internet starting in 1980, how the ARPANET using TCP / IP. In 1983, DARPA decided to have all computers connected to the ARPANET using TCP / IP. DARPA contacted Bolt, Beranek, and Newman (BBN) to build a TCP / IP for UNIX at Berkeley University of California at Berkeley, to distribute source code along with the computer of the Berkeley Software Development (BSD), in 1983 (4.2BSD). From then about , the TCP / IP became famous through the university and research agency and a standard protocol for communication.
The specific situation began at the precise dissimilarities in the 70's by a group of American researchers from the Defence Advanced Scientific Study Agency (DARPA). They studied the inter-networking, except that there are other organizations who also joined as ITU-T (by name CCITT) and ISO. The purpose of this study was to make a protocol, so that different applications can run even on different systems.
Group official who examined the research networking system called the ARPANET group, which has conducted meetings in October 1971. Then melanjukan DARPA research on host-to-host protocol using TCP / IP, circa 1978. Implementation of the Internet starting in 1980, how the ARPANET using TCP / IP. In 1983, DARPA decided to have all computers connected to the ARPANET using TCP / IP. DARPA contacted Bolt, Beranek, and Newman (BBN) to build a TCP / IP for UNIX at Berkeley University of California at Berkeley, to distribute source code along with the computer of the Berkeley Software Development (BSD), in 1983 (4.2BSD). From then about , the TCP / IP became famous through the university and research agency and a standard protocol for communication.
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